Yoga Transition: Crow to Headstand! — Jules Acree

Yoga Transition: Crow to Headstand!

yoga transition gif
yoga transition gif

I know it's Tuesday, but I want to tell you just how much I love SATURDAYS (because *SPOILER* I whipped up this gif on a Saturday!) I love Saturday mornings SO much. I get to sleep in (although I'm usually up by 8am), I relax on my couch with my morning french-pressed coffee, and then I get my yoga onnnn. One of my favorite yoga transitions is crow to headstand, so I thought I'd share a fun little gif of this variation.

Arm balances can be tricky in the morning if you're not yet balanced or warmed up, so make sure to do a few rounds of sun salutations (with chaturanga dandasana), crescent lunges (maybe with a prayer twist), and really get warm and fluid in the limbs. *Maybe I'll do a little sequence for you this month.

THE BREAKDOWN: > Start in Malasana (squatting with feet flat at the width of your mat) >  Make your way into Crow > Lean forward until the crown of your head touches the ground, and you are in a Tripod position > Engage your ab muscles and slowly raise your legs up into a Headstand with control.

Try coming back down slowly in the same way from >>> Headstand, Tripod, Crow, and end in Malasana (or on your bum laughing like me below.)

crow to headstand variation
crow to headstand variation
crow headstand transition
crow headstand transition

This is an awesome way to exercise your core, while practicing control, stability, and increasing your arm and core strength. Win, win? I'd say so!