#ThingsILoveThursday: First Edition! — Jules Acree

#ThingsILoveThursday: First Edition!



Today marks the start of #ThingsILoveThursday! Every Thursday I'll feature a few things I love, as well as a throwback to one of my favorite blog posts I've written. I am doing this to create a haven of creativity and positivity. I want to focus on the goods things in life, and talk about them, and I want you to share yours! This is all inspired by an incredible woman named Gala Darling who I had the pleasure of meeting last night. More on her later. :)



radical self love book

radical self love book

things I love...

[WHAT] RAWCRYSTALS and all of their sparkly energy. [WHY] Because they make me feel calm and magical. [WHAT]ACCESSORIZING. [WHY] It makes me feel creative. I work for a pretty awesome jewelry brand, so I've started to buy minimal clothing, and focus more on building a time capsule wardrobe, while playing up lots of fun jewelry. [WHAT]RADICAL SELF LOVE by Gala Darling. [WHY]She is the next thought leader of our generation, and has so many empowering things to say about gratitude, how we speak to ourselves, and realizing our own self worth. [WHAT] My post 'How Yoga Changed My Life' written January 2014.[WHY] Because it still applies, and it reminds me why I started writing in the first place. [WHAT] Sia's new album 'This is Acting'[WHY] She is incredibly underrated, and her music is chilling and powerful.

That's it for now! Until next Thursday.... :)