Wonder Woman + Spidey Take Brooklyn (Halloween Edition) — Jules Acree

Wonder Woman + Spidey Take Brooklyn (Halloween Edition)


I love love love Halloween + dressing up. It's one of my favorite holidays! Every year it creeps up on me, and I scramble last minute to throw something together, but it always works out. This year, I asked my mom to send my old Wonder Woman costume I made in college (with the help of a friend). I figured it deserved another go at Halloween!

Call it bad timing, but Andrew and I both caught a virus and have been sick all week - coughing, sneezing, runny nose... the trifecta. Saturday, the 29th rolls around (the official night to celebrate Halloween in NYC), and I'm throwing up at the doctor's office because I decided to take Mucinex on an empty stomach (BAD IDEA). As painful as it was, we decided it'd be best to stay in and rest, especially since my cousin's wedding is next weekend.

I had serious, serious FOMO. We spent all day laying in bed, watching American Horror Story and eating popcorn. I kept checking my phone for the time, and around 5pm my friends were texting me about strolling out to town to hit up some bars. I couldn't accept that we weren't going out for Halloween, so I kept hoping that if I felt better by 10pm, I'd go out in my neighborhood at least. Andrew looked at me like I was nuts (we both completely lost our voice, by the way... so we wouldn't even be able to talk).

So, I shut it down. Accepted the fact that I was not leaving the apartment, nor was I going to be Wonder Woman. Pfffffft. Back to more American Horror Story, more tea, more couch...

Fast forward to Sunday - We were feeling slightly better, so we went out for our usual morning walk around the neighborhood. We ate breakfast, bought some hot sauce (an Andrew thing), and headed home. I kept looking over at the box with my costume in it. Hmmm...

"Andrew, let's just put our costumes on and walk around outside."

So, we did. And took photos. 3pm in the afternoon.

Wonder Woman + Spiderman


It was so fun running around like super heroes. We had a lot of people digging our costumes, and Andrew had the cutest little boys yelling, "IT'S SPIDERMAN!!!" Here he is waving at the young lads.


And then he did a back flip as Spidey would. The boys LOST THEIR MINDS.


He's pretty legit. And then there's me...


It was 45 minutes of pure bliss. I'm so grateful to have a partner who will laugh, play, and be silly with me.


Haha, well I hope you all had a flipping fantastic Halloween!