#ThingsILoveThursday: Cocoa Butter Matte Lipstick, Mom Jeans, Live Music, and more... — Jules Acree

#ThingsILoveThursday: Cocoa Butter Matte Lipstick, Mom Jeans, Live Music, and more...


To be honest, I wasn't going to write a blog post this week. But, here I am - it's 11:45pm, and I am writing, because I have stuff to tell you! And yes, I know Thursday is long gone, but it's my blog and I can write if I want to. :)

Things I Love...

[WHAT] Cocoa Butter MATTE Lipstick [WHY]100% Pure kindly sent me a couple of their brand spankin' new matte lipsticks that just launched, and I LOVE it. Long-lasting rich colors, and it's made with the best ingredients. I am a big chapstick & lipstick wearer. My top lip is thin, so I like to make it look fuller.¯\_(ツ)_/¯  It's completely natural, so you can sleep better at night knowing you're not ingesting lead and other poisons. Use the code 'om15' for 15% off orders over $30!


Moody pout wearing 100% Pure's Cocoa Butter Matte Lipstick in Currant


Nudey pout wearing 100% Pure's Cocoa Butter Matte Lipstick in Sandstone

[WHAT] Going to live shows[WHY] Wednesday night, I spontaneously went to see a band I like - Oh Wonder. My friend had an extra ticket, so I jumped at the opportunity. Although, I had a bajillion things I needed to work on for my blog, I swept it under the rug, had a great time, and got some QT with my GF. And guess what, I'm going back to the same venue (Terminal 5) this Friday to see my favorite band The Head and The Heart. I WILL get emotional. [WHAT] Mom Jeans [WHY] They are comfy AF. They're obviously super trendy right now, so yes I've officially joined the mom jean parade.


Another piece of v v exciting news: I am now a member of rewardStyle! So, you'll start seeing me post more liketoknow.it links - Basically, if you sign up, you'll get an email with my outfit details on the posts that have liketoknow.it links. It's a great tool to shop your favorite IG's, while also supporting your favorite bloggers!

Well, that is all I have in me seeing as it is now nearing 1am! My bed is calling my name... apologies in advance for typos, fragmented sentences, and other nonsense - I'm too tired to go back and proofread. Real talk.

Love you, guys!