#ThingsILoveThursday: Denim, Mystic Mamma, My Man... (and a few life updates) — Jules Acree

#ThingsILoveThursday: Denim, Mystic Mamma, My Man... (and a few life updates)

madewell jeans, plants, crystals
madewell jeans, plants, crystals

Hi, Beauties! I hope everyone is enjoying the week so far. It's been rainy here in NY, but we're making it work. To be completely real with you, this week has had its ups and downs. THE UPs: I met with one really incredible chick who I've been inspired by for a couple years. It made my week! We have something fun in the works for all of you, and I'm just so so so  excited to share it. Also, my family is coming in town this weekend, and we have some more dear friends visiting next weekend. Can't wait. THE DOWNs: My boyfriend's best friend is fighting cancer again. He's handled this extremely difficult circumstance incredibly well and is inspiring many along the way. Take a moment to watch his video and hear his story. #ColtonsCure - You can help by donating to cure@coltonwilliams.com via Paypal.

things I love...

[WHAT]Madewell Jeans.[WHY] Jean shopping is notoriously the worst. When there's a company that actually gets you, it's something to be celebrated. Best. Fit. Ever. [WHAT] MysticMamma.com[WHY] Do you believe in magic? Doesn't matter. Mystic Mamma gives you all the magical vibes with astrology insights, and keeps you updated on the moon cycle... 'cause you gotta keep vibin' with what mama nature's supplyin' (sorry for that hah).

mystic mamma
mystic mamma

[WHAT] One of my favorite posts I've written called 'Wheel of Life: Finding (and Keeping) the Balance'.[WHY] You should always remember to put yourself at the center of your wheel. Always.[WHAT]MindOverLather Yoga Mat Cleaning Spray!!! [WHY] It is made with witch hazel, eucalyptus, and tea tree essential oils. It smells AMAZING.. and we could all clean our mats more often amiright?? Don't lie. [WHAT] Andrew, my main squeeze. [WHY] He is an incredible partner in all pursuits. He is the hardest working person I've ever met. He inspires me and is my biggest supporter. He is also the designer AND man behind the lens for Om & THE CITY. [WHAT]10 Reasons Yoga is Modern Torture by the hilarious Tyler Fischer [WHY] No. Words. Just. Watch. You're welcome.

acro yoga
acro yoga

I love doing acro with Andrew. It's a fun exercise, but we also bicker while I'm in the air. That's even more entertaining. I will share a behind the scenes video next week perhaps. :)

Make it a great day, chicas! x ...And as always, sending you love and light.