5 Healthy Convenience Snacks for the Busy Bodies — Jules Acree

5 Healthy Convenience Snacks for the Busy Bodies

cashews in hand

cashews in hand

Hello, hello! I've had a few different people email me asking about what I eat as a healthy snack, so I wanted to speak on this. I'm going to be completely frank: When I'm busy or "in the zone", I don't always remember to eat. I sit there working, working, working, until it finally hits me that, oh sh*t, I haven't eaten or drank anything in the past 5 hours. This is not good, folks.

Don't worry though, I'm getting better. When I finally hit the point where I need to take a break and consume something, it's tempting to grab the first quick and easy carbohydrate that will give me a boost. My best advice is to stock your kitchen with healthy snacks, so when you're hit with a ravaging hunger you can choose wisely. (Otherwise, you can just run to Dos Toros for a bag of chips and guac!!) Hey, it's all about finding that balance, eh?



So, here's what I've been grabbing these days:

1. RAW CASHEWS: Holy cow, I love cashews so much. I've been on the elimination diet, so my food choices are rather limited at the moment. Cashews are one thing on the list of 'OK' foods, and I'm more than OK with that. ----x Health Benefits: Cashews are packed with vitamins, minerals & antioxidants. It  prevents diabetes, helps manage weight loss, and contains copper and iron, which help maintain your bodily functions.

2. RAW BABY CARROTS AND PB:Put all the baby carrots in a container in your fridge, so you can just grab a handful and goooo! I JUST found out peanut butter and carrots are delicious together. I thought the idea was absurd, but then I remembered I eat celery and peanut butter. Not much of a difference. ----x Health Benefits:Carrots are high in Vitamin A, helps prevent cancer, heart disease, and improves brain functions. It is also anti-inflammatory, so try eating carrots next time you have a headache before grabbing the aspirin. It's also good for your eyes - My parents used to tell me, "Carrots make your eyes sparkle." :)

brown rice cakes

brown rice cakes

3. BROWN RICE CAKES: I get the organic ones from Trader Joe's, and they are so good. Top it with your favorite nut butter, sliced banana, and a dash of cinnamon. There are only two ingredients: Organic Whole Grain Brown Rice and Sea Salt. Love. ----x Health Benefits:Rice cakes are a low calorie snack, but they are also a good carbohydrate. They do not offer much in terms of fiber or protein, but if you add peanut butter and a banana then you have a delicious, well-rounded snack with protein, potassium, and all the good fats.

4. DRIED DARK CHERRIES & RAW SUNFLOWER SEEDS:You can pick this up at Trader Joe's, too (can you tell I love that place?). Make sure to get the unsweetened and unsulfured dried cherries. This is a delicious little snack. Throw in a few dark chocolate chips if you want. ----x Health Benefits:Dried cherries are high in Vitamin A and Vitamin C, so it helps the immune system, and it also nourishes your skin. Sunflower seeds can help keep a healthy mood, since it contains magnesium which is used in homeopathic medicine for mental health. It is high in antioxidants and is great for cardiovascular health, as well.

5. CLEMENTINES: These are probably the easiest of the convenience snacks. They are tiny, so you can keep it in your purse. You can easily peel, separate and nom, so eat a couple! ----x Health Benefits: In addition to the obvious Vitamin C, it also contains calcium, aids in digestion, balances electrolytes, and is considered an anti-cancer fruit. 

These are just my personal choices for snacks, rather than grabbing a bag of chips, pretzels, or eating a sugar-packed granola bar. When choosing snacks (or food in general), try eating as close to the earth as possible. Whole foods are the best foods.

That's it, lovelies! If you have any other convenience snacks you love, share it in the comment section below.

Enjoy the week!