Why Having More Fun Makes You More Successful — Jules Acree

Why Having More Fun Makes You More Successful

more fun more success

more fun more success

I believe in having as much fun as possible. I also believe in hard-freeeakin-work. You need both to harness true success. Consider it the yin and the yang - it's how we keep balance in the world, in our circles, and most importantly, in ourselves.

My Alter-Ego

Before my blog started to break out of its cocoon, I spent most of my spare time singing and writing songs on my keyboard. I also read a ridiculous amount of comic books (I'm a sci-fi nerd). I suppose that's my alter-ego. Now that I've turned my blog into a full-time job, I've traded out my music and comics for self-help books and entrepreneurial podcasts.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE self-help books and podcasts, and I enjoy continuously feeding my brain with nutrients. While I am VERY grateful to be able to do what I do for a living, I realize the work never truly stops. It's good, because it's work I enjoy hence I could do it all day and night without blinking an eye. It's not so good, because I rarely give my brain that much-needed siesta.

Why you need to have more fun...

1. A mental reset to avoid utter burnout

It doesn't matter if you're living your dreams, everyone gets burnt out! Find that work/life/play balance, and you'll find yourself working faster and smarter than ever before. At my past jobs, it used to feel like a competition of who could stay at work the latest. In reality, maybe you're just a smart and effective employee and you don't need to stay late. Doesn't make you any less dedicated.

2. A palate cleanser to kick-start creativity

You know when you stare at a word for too long it starts to look weird? That's called semantic saturation - it's when repetition causes a word to temporarily lose its meaning. I actually took a month-long blog hiatus for that exact reason. I felt burnt out and the words just wouldn't flow for the life of me. Now, I'm back feeling fresh with lots of new ideas to explore.

3. An opportunity to reconnect with yourself

Who would want to pass up on an opportunity like that?! At the end of the day, introspection is the key to success. If you're in tune with your mental and emotional state, you will be able to act and react more mindfully. Success blossoms from those who know themselves the best.

Ah, you Millennials you...

I'm so proud of our generation for being filled with that self-made entrepreneurial spirit. We are diverse. We are tech-saavy AF. We aren't afraid to break away from the mold. We aren't afraid to rally for change. We ask questions. We challenge outdated views and ways of thinking.

ANYWAYS, sometimes we need to reset, waste time, and sing karaoke. We need to make more time for things we do "just for fun". Plan a game night with friends. Bust out your old painting supplies. Get tickets to see a musician you love. Dig up something you used to love doing when you weren't worried about bills and Instagram.

Curious to know how I maximize my time as a creative entrepreneur? Read more here + download my free calendar!

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Why having more fun makes you more successful | Being a successful blogger + online entrepreneur means putting in a lot of long hours, but it shouldn’t be all work and no play. Find out what I’ve learned about integrating work and play, why hustling…