#ThingsILoveThursday: The Butcher's Daughter, High-Waisted Pants, The Pretty Anomaly & further life updates... — Jules Acree

#ThingsILoveThursday: The Butcher's Daughter, High-Waisted Pants, The Pretty Anomaly & further life updates...

The Butcher's Daughter
The Butcher's Daughter

Oh hey, Thursday... You totally creeped up on me. I'm feeling really high on life at the moment. I don't mean to be that annoying overly-happy human, but it's my blog and I share my feels. Plus, this world could use a bit more love and positivity in light of recent tragic events.

If you haven't yet, please check out my guest post on Athleta's Chi Blog - I share travel and adventure tips from my recent trip to Ecuador. I'm working on an even more in depth travel post for you soon, so be on the lookout for that! In the meantime, below are my most recent musings and mumbles:

Things I Love…

[WHAT]The Butcher's Daughter[WHY] This is one of my favorite restaurants in NYC. It's fresh, healthy, beautiful and dare I say... trendy? If you're ever in NY, definitely head over there. All the kale salads, green smoothies, and avo-toast will be ready and calling your name.

The Butcher's Daughter
The Butcher's Daughter
Wolven Threads
Wolven Threads

[WHAT]High-Waisted Pants [WHY]Comfort, security, style, food baby storage... I could go on. I've been living in my high-waisted yoga pants from Wolven Threads. I'm an ambassador for this awesome eco-friendly brand, but I guarantee I'd still be chilling in it regardless. I love covering my belly button. It makes any midriff reveal seem completely acceptable. Now, you're ready to rock on with your bad self.[WHAT] Saying No. [WHY]One of my biggest weaknesses in the past was saying yes to more than I could handle. It usually worked out in the end, but I'd go crazy in the process. I am learning it's okay to turn down a few projects, and it's okay to turn down dinner plans if you'd rather go to sleep early. I always try to cram too much in, because I want everyone to be happy, but then I am usually the one that ends up frantic and overwhelmed. It's a learning curve, but I'm getting to be one hell of a time management boss. Gotta love Google Calendars. [WHAT]The Pretty Anomaly - Illustrations by Julia Dougherty [WHY]Julia is a former colleague of mine, and I had no idea she was such an incredible illustrator. Her art is raw, relatable and there are familiar scenes one might recognize in their own life. Check her out.


Now.... off to Florida!!! Love to you all,