#ThingsILoveThursday: Full Moon Dance Parties, Ayurvedic Oils, Tiny Devotions and more... — Jules Acree

#ThingsILoveThursday: Full Moon Dance Parties, Ayurvedic Oils, Tiny Devotions and more...

thrive mala - tiny devotions
thrive mala - tiny devotions

Hey, we made it! Anyone else feeling completely drained this week? Could it possibly be the full moon that is creeping up on us? I feel so much productive energy lately, and it has been keeping me up at night. I woke up around 4am the other day, and I literally hopped on my computer and started writing emails. What the?! ...and then I have some serious FOMO. As in, Fear Of Missing Out on SLEEP. Yarrrrgh. This girl needs to hit the hay early, but not until I go to a kick ass Full Moon Dance Party with my girlfriends tonight. Enough about my sleep patterns and more about...

things I love…

[WHAT] Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics [WHY] I received this nail polish (pictured above) in a gift bag from attending a press show this past week. I didn't think much of it (besides loving the nude/blush color), but then I noticed it was 100% vegan and cruelty free, which is really awesome! They have a makeup line as well, and although it doesn't fall under the category of "non-toxic" or "natural", I can totally get down with the nail polish. [WHAT] Neelu Kaur's 'Yogini Bliss' Ayurvedic Oils [WHY] It comes in a rollerball form, so you can apply it to your wrists and neck as you would with perfume. It smells incredible, and it is made with 100% natural essential oils. A few of the ingredients include rose, natural vanilla, geranium, cinnamon, and it's combined with Jojoba oils to keep it safe for skin. I HIGHLY recommend it. I got rid of all of my perfume (except for my Selena Gomez...). I'm hoping to continue using these natural oils moving forward. Plus, it's the perfect travel size. :)

yogini bliss ayurvedic
yogini bliss ayurvedic

[WHAT] Tiny Devotions Thrive Mala [WHY] This mala symbolizes the desire to create a life of well-being, wisdom and wonder. It's a beautiful reminder to be the energy you wish to attract, and to not let fear get in the way. "Don't exist, live. Get out, explore. Thrive. Challenge yourself. Evolve." I like to wear jewelry that means something to me, and TD makes it happen. <3

[WHAT] Date nights with Babaloo. [WHY] We are both pretty busy throughout the week, and we don't have a lot of time to just focus on one another without some sort of distraction. It's important to set aside a time to go on a date, even if it's just at home with a pint of ice cream and Fear the Walking Dead. It's fun falling in love with your best friend over & over again [sorry for the saps].

date night
date night

Thank you all for the love and support! I hope everyone uses this full moon energy to their advantage, and channels it toward productivity and growth. If anyone is curious about their horoscopes for this full moon, see what Chani Nicholas has on it. She rocks my astro socks off.