The Essentials: What's In My Yoga Bag?
athleta and gaiam
Yoga Bag c/oGaiam | Outfit c/oAthleta | Poofy Hair c/oHumidity
Hi Guys! It's been a busy, busy week. Actually, it's been a very busy two months. From Kentucky to a yoga retreat Upstate NY to Kentucky again, then straight to Ecuador and onto Florida, and finally.... Texas. It's been a well-traveled summer to say the least! I love it, but I'm excited for a bit of downtime. This is my first "free" weekend in a looong time. Although, I am actually working. On my blog. #WhatzNew #ButYay
I've managed to take my booty to the yoga studio, despite my rollercoaster schedule - and for that, I'm proud. There was even a day I biked to class in the hot hot heat (one hour round trip). So, it got me thinking... it'd be fun to share what's in my personal yoga bag.
What's In My Yoga Bag?
yoga bag
Yoga Mat Cleaning Spray by Mind Over Lather: I mentioned this glorious spray in a previous post (read it here). It's a FANTASTIC natural mat cleaner that smells too good to be true. I hardly ever washed my mat before this... which is gross, I know. By carrying the spray in your bag, it's a little nudge to clean it right after class while at the studio... because we ALL know you're not really going to roll it up and clean it when you get home, haha.
Square Organics Protein Bar: Let me first say, I'm very picky when it comes to protein bars. The ones with very low sugar and high protein end up tasting like cardboard, in my opinion. When Square Organics sent me a box to try, I grew heart eyeballs. It was delicious. It's now my new favorite snack when I'm on the run. I love the Chocolate Coated Coconut!!!
Nutrition Facts: USDA Organic & Non-GMO Project Verified, 11g of Complete Plant Protein (Sprouted & Whole Grain), Gluten, Dairy and Soy-Free, Made with Coconut Nectar (same glycemic index as an apple), No Protein Isolates, Sugar Alcohols, or Added "Natural Flavors", and it's Vegan. Pssst...For 20% off use the discount code "omandthecity" at checkout.
Hurraw! Balm Chapstick: As you may have guessed, it's organic, vegan, and raw! Man, this lip balm feels SO silky smooth. I always carry chapstick on me, since I can't deal with having dry lips. This particular collection of balms is based off of the Ayurvedic Dosha Principles. You all know I love to balance my doshas. More on that if you'd like. :)
Cash & Hair Tie: I keep $15 in $5s in my yoga bag in case the class is cash only (very common in NYC). I only use this if I don't already have cash. Keep it zipped away as a back up - this is key. If you rely on it, then you'll forget to replenish it. Just tuck it away until you really need it. Wrap a hair tie around it and you're set for when you forget that too!
yoga bag
I hope this sparks some ideas! I'd love to know what you keep in YOUR yoga bag - let me know in the comments below, send me an email, snap @omandthecity, DM on Instagram (the ush).
It's been exciting to watch my email list grow, so please keep subscribing if you want NEW blog posts sent directly to your email! I promise I don't spam. At the moment, I don't send out newsletters - just the full blog post each week.
Have a lovely weekend ahead - and stay tuned for a few exciting announcements coming this month. x