Pears, Cinnamon, Chia... Oh, yes. — Jules Acree

Pears, Cinnamon, Chia... Oh, yes.


Pears are so under-appreciated. I feel like we forget how delicious pears are or maybe it's just me. I always remember to buy the apples, bananas, and oranges, but pears fall off my radar! That's okay, though, because now I am in love all over again.

I whipped together a delicious light breakfast and had to share.

YOU'LL NEED: - 1 Organic Pear (diced) - Organic Cinnamon (I used Vietnamese Cinnamon) - Bake in the over at 250 degrees for about 8-10 minutes (optional - tastes amazing raw too) - Sprinkle your favorite yummies: I topped it with Trader Joe's Super Seed Blend including, chia seeds, buckwheat, shelled hemp seeds, coconut chips, and cranberries - Plop on a dollop of greek yogurt for additional protein

HEATH BENEFITS (in case you need a little reminder):  - One of the highest-fiber fruits - around 6 grams per medium-sized pear - Helps reduce inflammation - Reduces constipation and bloating (never a bad quality, eh?) - Antioxidants found in the skin that help prevent cancer (so, don't peel your pears) - Hypoallergenic fruit, so most people with food sensitivities will have no adverse reactions to eating pears

Mmmm... Need I say more? Love these quick and nutritious breakfast ideas to jumpstart the day. Let me know what other fun toppings you like!

- Jules x