Pear, Oat, & Maple Winter Smoothie Recipe — Jules Acree

Pear, Oat, & Maple Winter Smoothie Recipe


Hello hello! I made SUCH a delicious smoothie the other day, and I just had to share it with you guys! I think it's the perfect winter-themed drink to get you into the holiday spirit, yet it's still refreshing as a post-workout pick-me-up or as a breakfast treat. Peep the recipe below:

Pear, Oat, & Maple Winter Smoothie


1 Organic Pear

1 Cup of Organic Old-Fashioned Oats

1-2 Tsps of 100% Pure Maple Syrup

1 Frozen Banana

2 Cups of Unsweetened, Plain Almond Milk (*depending on the consistency you prefer)

Dashes of Cinnamon!

*Optional: 1 Scoop of PB (if you want to add protein!)


That's it! I love experimenting with new ingredients. So, tell me...What's your favorite smoothie recipe? I'd love to swap recipes. Smoothies are one of my favorite ways to start off the day. Sometimes I swap my smoothie out for a coffee, and I tell ya, my days are never quite the same.


That's me... enjoying my smoothie while couchin' it in my 100% Pure Bright Eyes Mask... which I seriously recommend, by the way. You can get a pack of 5 here. And if you have a chance, read all about my Self-Care Tips for the Holidays up on 100% Pure Cosmetic's blog!

Expect some new content headed your way before the year is up! Really exciting things on the horizon that I can't wait to share!