Natural Skin Care: Part One — Jules Acree

Natural Skin Care: Part One

As seen on Your Zen Life

I have spent years struggling to control my acne prone skin, and when I discovered the healing powers of these two little miracles, I wanted to share it with as many eco freaks like me.

First let me start off saying, I have tried everything from antibacterial acne pills, expensive benzoyl peroxide creams to using birth control pills to try and tame my breakouts. While these methods worked, it was only a matter of time before my skin became immune to the medicine and I was back at square one.

About a year ago, I decided I wanted to eliminate all of the chemical-filled beauty products I had cluttering my bathroom. I just couldn't continue to slather my face with harmful chemicals that were stripping my skin of its natural oils.

For my birthday, one of my best friends bought me a huge bottle of Dr. Bronner's Pure-Castile Soap. This is miracle number one. Castile soap is made from 100% organic ingredients including organic olive oil, organic coconut oil and organic jojoba oil. The oils in the soap dissolves the dirt and makeup from your face, giving you fresh, clean and glowing skin - the way skin is meant to be!

Now for miracle number two - To moisturize the face, I HIGHLY recommend using pure organic virgin coconut oil. Using coconut oil for hair, skin and body is an ancient practice that is becoming even more renown today. Coconut oil has a natural antibacterial and antiviral agent that clears up underlying acne and prevents future breakouts.

Over time, all of the harsh chemicals from acne preventive face washes will damage your skin. Burning, drying and peeling should not be an after-effect of a skin care remedy. These side effects are your skin's way of telling you "no".

Castile soap is great for EVERY skin type. When using coconut oil for the first week, expect your skin to have a minor breakout. You must give your skin time to readjust. Everyone's skin reacts differently, so find what works best for you. I am a strong believer that the Earth already provides humans with everything we need to be healthy. We can cure ourselves with natural ingredients, and be rid of the genetically modified products.

If you are a bit apprehensive about switching up your skincare routine, read reviews online! This ultimately lead me to being confident enough to take the plunge. I figured it was now or never.

Here's a breakdown of my skincare routine:

-Wash face with a drop of Dr. Bronner's Pure-Castile Soap (I like the Lavender one). You can purchase a 32 oz. bottle for $16.99 online or at most grocery stores.

-Massage a dime-size amount of organic virgin coconut oil all over your towel-dried face. I buy a 6 oz jar from Trader Joe's for only $5.99.

I do this in the morning and night. You can also use castile soap for body wash and coconut oil as body lotion. There are endless uses for both little miracles, that I would love to share with you. If you would like to hear more about my beauty regimen, contact me via email at! Instagram: @OmAndTheCity