My Favorite Tights: From Yoga Sesh to Dinner Date + ATHLETA GIVEAWAY — Jules Acree

My Favorite Tights: From Yoga Sesh to Dinner Date + ATHLETA GIVEAWAY



Hi there, Beauties! It's getting pretty chilly up here in NYC, so it's time to say hello to my winter uniform: fuzzy sweaters, tights and boots! While I do admit to being 'that annoying girl' who complains about the cold all winter long, I WILL say I enjoy wearing cozy clothing.

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I am often seen sporting Athleta. They are one of my favorite athleisure brands for many, many reasons. For starters, I love their high-quality fabrics, overall fit, and inspiring 'Power of She' brand messaging. With the recent launch of their Street Tights collection, I'm now loving them even more for their versatility!

Check out how I easily transitioned my pair of High Rise Mesh Tux Chaturanga Tights from the yoga mat to running errands in the city to a dinner date with my man.

To The Yoga Mat

I started my day with a 30-minute home yoga practice. I try to stretch daily & connect to my mat before I enter the chaos of the city, because it quite frankly puts me in a better mood. It's a gentle way for me to improve my flexibility, while also centering my focus for what I have going on that day.





To Running Errands

I made a trip down to my neighborhood Whole Foods, and all I had to do was throw on my button-up flannel and some sneaks! I love how effortlessly my outfit came together, and I was 100% more stylish than I ever am when I go grocery shopping.







To the City Streets

After my errands, I went home to relax, work on my blog, and spend some QT with my man. We decided to go out for sushi rather than cook dinner - even though we just purchased loads of groceries. #StoryOfMyLife - This is where all my money goes, I suppose. At this point in the day, I was still wearing my sports bra & street tights, and all I did was throw on a thicker (and nicer) sweater, and my super comfy Dr. Scholl's booties! I dressed it up with a cute wool hat & a necklace.







More Street Tights I Love From Athleta:

Athleta has so many styles to choose from, and they really do transition well from the mat to the street to even the workplace. I've been personally layering my tights with longer shirts/sweaters and wearing it with a vegan leather bomber jacket. It pulls the look together effortlessly, so you can be comfortable + trendy!





Treat yourself! You deserve it & you'll wear it, I guarantee. To get a jumpstart, enter to win a $100 shop card to Athleta  - just head over to my Instagram @omandthecity! Details will be in the caption of the below image in my gallery! See you there. :)



*Note: This post was sponsored by Athleta. All thoughts and opinions are completely (and always will be) my own. Thank you for your continued support, and for allowing me to write authentic content that I strongly believe in ! x Jules