My Super Simple Clean Beauty Routine — Jules Acree

My Super Simple Clean Beauty Routine

Hiya beauties! This video has been highly requested so *drumroll*… here's my simple clean beauty makeup routine for when I *feel* like putting on makeup. It takes me less than 10 minutes. I love to try new things, but these are my go-to’s right now. My skin feels its best in the summertime, so I like to let my skin breeeeath. I keep it quick, simple, and clean. Hope y’all enjoy this video!

You can take a peek below for all the linked products + make sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel to keep up with the new videos comin’ your way.

Clean Beauty Products I Used:

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My Clean Makeup Routine | I'm sharing my simple clean beauty makeup routine for when I feel like putting on makeup. This routine takes me less than 10 minutes. I love to try new things, but these are my go-to’s right now. I like to keep it quick, si…