Gratitude & Authenticity: One Year Ago Today — Jules Acree

Gratitude & Authenticity: One Year Ago Today


One year ago today, I embarked on a journey that became a huge turning point in my life. This time of year will forever be a symbol of perseverance, and a true example of what happens when you follow your heart. One year ago today, I was trotting the lands of a remote town in Nicaragua. I quit my job a couple weeks prior. I saved up my money. Bought my ticket & paid for the yoga teacher training - So, there I was with twenty other strangers. All of us from different walks of life, but all there for the same reason - to learn, grow, and evolve as a yogi.

It's important for me to look back on this time, because it is where I harbored my ideas to basically re-launch this blog of mine. So much has changed since then, and while I'm grateful, I also want to stay true to why I started this journey in the first place.

Social Intent > Social Following

Fast forward to today... I eat, sleep, breath social media. From managing social media for a tech startup & running my growing yoga and lifestyle blog, it's easy to get caught up in this crazy world of social media. With all of the images of beautiful smoothie bowls, bendy yogis in exotic places, and fancy yoga clothes, there's so much to absorb and sometimes my brain wants to EXPLODE.

As a blogger, there is a lot of pressure to keep up in such a crowded and saturated space. I'm always thinking, what can I do to be different, to improve my content, reach more people, gain more followers... but then times like now, I need to reflect on why I started in the first place. Come back to my original intention. My intention is to share a lifestyle that brings me happiness, health & inspiration, and to connect to the people who relate to this lifestyle. It makes me SO happy to find like-minded souls, and to discover amazing brands that I believe in and are spreading love out there!


Why Do I Blog?

I blog, because it makes me ridiculously happy. Simple as that. I've been writing for as long as I can remember. From middle to high school, I wrote song lyrics, poems, and short stories and shared it on Tumblr. In college, I started a fashion blog called Fashion Awakening, and then shortly after, I started a second blog called Jules in White, sharing wedding inspiration and bridal fashion. Writing is how I best express myself, and yoga is just an extension of my being. It makes sense why I am where I am today, and why I do what I do. Without social media, I wouldn't have much of a platform to promote what I spend hours cultivating with such dedication.


Staying Authentic

You can lose yourself in this industry. You can get caught up in the free clothes and product brands so graciously gift to you. It can so easily go to your head. This is something I am very conscious of. I never want to forget how grateful I am for all of this... to write and to have an audience who reads it means more than you can possibly imagine. Instagram is such a beautiful source of inspiration, and it feels great to put yourself out there. I've learned so much about visual storytelling, photography, styling, and I love creating. It's just important to stop, take a breath, and just remember to not get caught up in whatever doesn't serve you.

A year ago today, I was in tune with my rawest, truest self. In Nicaragua, I set out with the intent to live a life of mental, physical & spiritual wellness. While I am only at the beginning of my journey, I thank you for joining me for the ride.

Post Details: + Outfit c/o Sweaty Betty - In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, Sweaty Betty is donating $1 to Living Beyond Breast Cancer for every sports bra purchased now until the end of October. + Beautiful eco-friendly, bio-degradable, micro-suede yoga mat c/o of Free Thirty Three. One tree planted for every mat sold.