Easy Swaps for a Sustainable Kitchen — Jules Acree

Easy Swaps for a Sustainable Kitchen

Easy swaps for a sustainable kitchen | In this post, I’m sharing a comprehensive list of the sustainable and eco-friendly products I personally use in our home to waste less, save money and lower your impact. These are easy swaps you can make when g…

They say the kitchen is the heart of a home and in this case, it’s also the perfect place to start practicing sustainability. Not only do food choices affect our health, but it’s also equally important to be aware of the environmental impact it makes. From food waste to our storage and cleaning products, we have an opportunity to make more thoughtful decisions to benefit our environment.

In this post, I’m sharing a comprehensive list of the products I personally use and recommend to waste less, save money and lower your impact. These are the perfect, easy swaps you can make when grocery shopping, cleaning, storing, or taking your food to-go.

Eco-Friendly Food Storage:

Not only will these help your food last longer (saving you money at the store), but they’ll also reduce the amount of plastic you use for storage.

Easy swaps for a sustainable kitchen | In this post, I’m sharing a comprehensive list of the sustainable and eco-friendly products I personally use in our home to waste less, save money and lower your impact. These are easy swaps you can make when g…

Sustainable On-the-Run Goods:

Think about the number of grocery bags, coffee cups, straws, water bottles and more that you use every week. How does that multiply over the year? These are easy, long lasting purchases that will lower your impact significantly at the grocery store and on-the-go.

  • Mesh Produce Bags or no bags at all. Fruits and veggies can be placed gently in the cart without a bag.

  • Stainless Steel Straws instead of plastic straws + refuse straws at restaurants.

  • Travel Coffee Mug instead of disposable coffee cups and lids (I linked the one you've been seeing me carry).

  • Insulated Water Bottle instead of plastic water bottles. *Tip: If you forgot your bottle, buy glass bottled water over plastic. Glass can be recycled endlessly, but plastic can only be recycled a few times before it breaks down.

  • Reusable Shopping Bags (I like to use insulated ones since I live in hot, hot Texas!) instead of plastic or paper grocery bags. *Tip: Keep the bags in your car, so you remember to bring them into the store. After you unpack at home, leave the bags hanging on your front door and take it back out with you.

Easy swaps for a sustainable kitchen | In this post, I’m sharing a comprehensive list of the sustainable and eco-friendly products I personally use in our home to waste less, save money and lower your impact. These are easy swaps you can make when g…
Easy swaps for a sustainable kitchen | In this post, I’m sharing a comprehensive list of the sustainable and eco-friendly products I personally use in our home to waste less, save money and lower your impact. These are easy swaps you can make when g…

Non-Toxic Cleaning & Waste Products:

One aspect of the kitchen that often gets overlooked is our cleaning supplies - from the toxic soaps to the plastic bottles and paper towels. The below products are safer for you, while also helping you limit waste!

Don’t feel overwhelmed to tackle all of this at once! Choose one area to focus on, commit to it, and slowly add on as you see fit. And if you need a little more help to source the products that are right for you, check out The Grove Collaborative! They’re a really cool delivery service that’s on a mission to help people lower their impact and live a healthy lifestyle in the easiest way. They source sustainable, safe and natural home, beauty and personal care products that you can choose from and have delivered to your door. I’ve been using them recently and love it! I really trust all the products they provide and the convenience is amazing. Let me know if you try them out!

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Easy swaps for a sustainable kitchen | In this post, I’m sharing a comprehensive list of the sustainable and eco-friendly products I personally use in our home to waste less, save money and lower your impact. These are easy swaps you can make when g…