bringing my body back from hibernation — Jules Acree

bringing my body back from hibernation

back from hibernation
back from hibernation

About a month ago, I wrapped up one of the busiest times of the year for my job. As I'm sure you all know and relate, busy lives can result in poor food choices based off of quick and easy convenience, the skipping of several yoga classes or a halt on exercise all together, and major lack of sleep. For someone like me who is so health conscious, it really weighs on me mentally.

The aftermath of this busy time left me feeling bloated, sleepy, squishy and just not feeling my healthiest. I made a conscious decision to get "back on track".

To do so, I started waking up half an hour earlier than normal (6:30am). I wanted to be completely honest and real with myself....and 6:30am is the earliest I am willing to wake up at the moment. :)

Without further adieu, here is how my New Morning Routine goes!:


  • Wake up

  • Pour a tall glass of water mixed with 1 tsp of Bragg's Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Drink half of it


  • Start my "Yogi Toes" Spotify playlist (30 minutes long)

  • Do my own personal yoga/core/full body workout using 5lb dumbells

  • Use the last 5 minutes to sit in silence




  • Get my bootay out the door and to the almighty N train

So, that's it! I also take 1 probiotic and 1 turmeric pill at lunchtime. I will write another post of exactly how much taking these two supplements has helped me.

Since this new morning routine, I have lost 6 pounds. I was not purposefully trying to lose weight - I was just living cleaner and giving my body exactly what it needed. Everyone is different, so do what you know will help you the most.

As always, if you ever want to bounce ideas off of me or discuss a new way to be a healthier you, feel free to email me at

Peace, Love and Probiotics,

Jules xx