My Blogging Journey + New YOUTUBE Channel! — Jules Acree

My Blogging Journey + New YOUTUBE Channel!

omandthecity youtube
omandthecity youtube

Ahhh, here goes nothing! I am so excited (and nervous), but beyond ecstatic to share with you my official Om & The City YOUTUBE Channel! This has been on my wish list for quite awhile, but I finally carved out the time and figured if not now, when? So, cheers to finally doing the damn thing!

What to Expect from This n00b YouTuber

The Up Close and Personal

What I love about video is how intimate it can be. There's not much you can hide behind when you're on camera, and that's what is really freakin' cool. I want to share with you topics that might be too confusing to write out in a blog post, or things I sometimes can't (or don't want to) put into written word. Sometimes I just want to talk it out like I've been doing for months on Insta-Stories. I want to show you what is behind the curated Instagram feed.

The Raw + Unrefined

I know this word is so overused, but I hope to connect with you in my most raw and authentic form - from being weird with my dog, sharing yoga flows, doing Q&A's, to talking through what's on my mind at the moment. I'll be honest - I don't have a mapped out plan for this or a big whopping business strategy. I just have my ideas, my camera, and you guys. I am taking it one day at a time, and will keep making videos as inspiration hits.

Why YouTube?

I wanted a place where my content would live forever instead of disappearing after 24 hours. For sure, it's nerve wracking, time-consuming, and a lot of hard work to build a new platform from scratch. My biggest worry naturally is will anyone care? I sure hope so, but at the end of the day, this is another outlet for me to express and challenge myself. The initial idea to migrate to YouTube came after months of insta-friends asking me to start one. So, I hope you lovely people are still around, 'cause the time has come and here we are.

How I Started Blogging // My First YouTube Video

This is one of my FAQ's from Insta-land! I always hesitated to put it into a blog post, because the story is quite long. Video is the only way I could have imagined sharing it, so I really hope you enjoy learning more about me and my journey! Head to my channel to see more videos.

Yay, my first official YouTube video! I've been asked a lot on Instagram about my blogging journey, so I thought this would be a great place to start. My journey began back in 2011, so thanks for sticking around for this lengthy one!

Lastly, I want to thank you all so much for your love and support over the years. I greatly value YOU, your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions, so please share your honest feedback and video requests! This YouTube world is certainly a milestone for me, so wahooo.

Love, Hugs, & New Adventures!